[48400] 52F Busan Finance Center, BIFC 40, Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea. TEL.+82 51-631-0296 / FAX.+82 51-633-0398
BFC관리자 2024-02-08 14:03 VIEWS 311
※ Busan Finance Center strategically intensifies our promotion to develop Busan as the International Financial Hub in collaboration with Z/Yen Group through press announcements as below.
This press release was issued by ‘Financial News’, ‘Energy Economy’, ‘ITBizNews’, ‘Gukjenews’, ‘NEWSIS’, ‘NNews’ and etc,.
- Financial News: https://www.fnnews.com/news/202402061135111733
- Energy Economy: :https://www.ekn.kr/web/view.php?key=20240207001152558
- ITBizNews: https://www.it-b.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=73620