Busan Finance Center

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Busan Finance Center News


Busan rises 4 steps in GFCI 29

BFC관리자 2021-05-13 10:00 VIEWS 652

 Busan rose 4 steps from 36th in Sep. 2020 to 40th in March 2021 on the Global Financial Centres Index 29 (GFCI 29). A global think-tank and consulting body sponsored by City of London, Z/yen evaluates international finance centers every March and September.

 Busan has been on a steady upturn since March 2020 from 51st (1H20) to 40th (2H20), and has risen to 36th in the 1st half of 2021. The rise can be attributed to 1) attraction of foreign financial institutions with expanded infrastructure, 2) focus on incubating FinTech industry at blockchain regulation-free zone in Busan, and 3) stronger marketing activities through Busan Finance Center.

 Other positives include large-scale infrastructure projects including Gadeokdo New Airport, Busan New Port, and plans for integrating 3 adjacent provinces (Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongsangnam-do province) into 1 mega city.


 This article was first published on May 13, 2021.