[48400] 52F Busan Finance Center, BIFC 40, Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea. TEL.+82 51-631-0296 / FAX.+82 51-633-0398
BFC관리자 2021-06-09 00:00 VIEWS 609
Busan Public Notice #2021-1637
Occupancy Offer for Office Space in 「D(Decacorn) - Space BIFC」 Busan Metropolitan City (2nd Round)
As the application to move into the office space in 『D(Decacorn) - Space BIFC』, currently under renovation by Busan Metropolitan City to develop itself into Asia’s No. 1 financial hub is now available, please file your application as follows.
June 7, 2021
Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City