Busan Finance Center

부산국제금융진흥원 영문

Busan Finance Center President

President's activities

Participated in the WAIFC extraordinary general meeting

BFC관리자 2024-04-01 17:40 VIEWS 119

Participated in the WAIFC  extraordinary general meeting Participated in the WAIFC  extraordinary general meeting Participated in the WAIFC  extraordinary general meeting

ㅇ (Key Participants) Lamia MERZOUKI (Deputy CEO of Casablanca Finance City Authority), Nicolas Mackel (CEO of Luxembourg for Finance), Ken POONOOSAMY (CEO of EDB Mauritius)

ㅇ (Main Contents) Myongho Rhee, the president of Busan Finance Center, and the Directors of the Financial Research  (Jessica Miae PARK, Sonngoo Ahn) participated in the WAIFC extraordinary general meeting and visited key governmental institutions in Mauritius, including the Financial Service Commission and the Bank of Mauritius.
- Decision on key agendas during the WAIFC Extraordinary General Meeting and Board Meeting (appointment of new director, key strategies and operation plans for WAIFC in 2024)
- Confirmation of the establishment of financial hubs by key financial governmental institutions in Mauritius (Financial Service Commission, Bank of Mauritius)
- Discussion on cooperation plans with major financial institutions from various countries, including TheCityUK (London), Luxembourg for Finance (Luxembourg), and EDB Mauritius (Mauritius)